What kind of Body hair can be transplanted?

What Kind Of Body Hair Can Be Transplanted

It’s true that many people put their work first and are under a lot of stress, which can lead to some health issues, including hair loss. A person’s self-image and confidence can be negatively impacted by hair loss. However, medical technology breakthroughs have brought about viable treatments for this problem. For instance, increasingly advanced hair transplant surgeries can aid people in regaining their sense of competence and worth.

Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE), two methods of hair transplantation, have made tremendous strides in recent years. These methods enable the accurate extraction and transplantation of hair follicles, producing hair restoration that looks realistic. Hair follicles from the donor area that have been transplanted are frequently resistant to balding or thinning, so they can continue to develop in the recipient area and produce lasting effects.

Recognising the positive effects hair restoration can have on a person’s self-esteem and confidence is essential. Being happy with one’s appearance can enhance general well-being and influence other facets of life, such as career goals.

Best suitable body hair for hair transplant:

Most of the time, the donor area on the back of the scalp is used to harvest the hair for hair transplants. This decision was made because the hair in this area is genetically predisposed to grow for a lifetime and is often more resistant to balding or thinning. In this region, hair transplantation is considered to be safe and durable.

The hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), responsible for producing pattern baldness in people with a hereditary predisposition, often does not affect the hair follicles in the donor area. As a result, when these follicles are moved to different parts of the scalp, they keep their resistance to DHT and grow hair there.

The rear of the scalp is favoured for hair transplantation because the structure, thickness, and growth pattern of the hair there closely resemble those of the recipient region. Follicular unit extraction (FUE) or follicular unit transplantation (FUT), the extraction method used to harvest hair from the back of the scalp, also enables precise extraction of single hair follicles or small groups of hair follicles.

While body hair from other places (such as the chest, beard, or limbs) can occasionally be used as a substitute donor source when there is a shortage of scalp donor hair, it typically differs from scalp hair in texture, growth cycle, and appearance. Therefore, when transplanted to the head, body hair might not produce the same cosmetic results as scalp hair. As a result, the primary and best source of hair for hair transplantation continues to be the rear of the scalp.

Hair not suitable for hair transplant:

Typical examples of hair that is not suitable for hair transplantation include:

Fine or Miniaturised Hair: Hair that has extensive hair loss or hereditary causes typically isn’t suitable for transplantation because it has become fragile, weak, and miniaturised. Miniaturised hair would not produce adequate results because a hair transplant aims to relocate healthy, strong hair follicles to areas of thinning or baldness.

Body Hair: Although body hair can occasionally serve as a substitute donor source for transplantation, it is typically less suitable than scalp hair. Body hair differs from scalp hair in structure, growth cycle, and appearance, which might produce a less natural-looking result. Additionally, body hair may not grow as long as scalp hair and tends to go through shorter growth phases.

Grey or White Hair: Hair that is grey or white lacks colour and might look lighter and thinner than hair with pigment. Grey or white hair transplants could not significantly have the appropriate density and visual impact if they drastically differ from the recipient site’s natural hair colour. However, transplanting identical hair may be a practical solution if the recipient location already has a sizable amount of grey or white hair.

Unhealthy Hair: Hair that is weak or unhealthy may not be suitable for transplantation if it has been severely damaged. Successful hair transplantation depends on having healthy hair follicles. Thus, hair that has had severe chemical processing, been overheated, or is otherwise damaged may not respond well to the procedure.

Donor Hair with Insufficient Density: In some circumstances, the donor area may have insufficient hair density, making removing enough healthy grafts for transplantation difficult. Progressive hair loss, prior operations, or specific conditions impacting the donor location may cause poor donor hair density. In these circumstances, alternative remedies such as using body hair or looking into non-surgical treatments must be considered.

It is imperative to speak with a skilled hair transplant specialist or surgeon who can evaluate your unique circumstances and choose the hair transplantation solutions that are best for you based on your unique traits and objectives.

We at Cyber HairSure, are committed to providing matchless services to all our patients. All your concerns regarding hair problems can be flawlessly sorted at Cyber HairSure Advanced Hair Transplant Clinic, guaranteeing that you will be left with smiles that won’t fall again. Walk into Cyber HairSure and walk back with the look that you desire. Call 040 49540202 / 8331020202 or email us at cyberhairsure@gmail.com to book your consultation. Visit our website, Hair Transplant Clinic, to know more.

The Author :
Hairsure Hospitals