Hair transplants are a long-term solution for hair loss, but their results take time to appear. Understanding the hair growth timeline after a hair transplant can help manage expectations and ensure proper post-surgery care. On average, it takes 12 to 18 months for...
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hair Loss In Women

Why does my hair become thin?
What causes baldness?
These questions are often asked by women who are experiencing hair loss.
So if your having hair loss you will find hair on your pillow or on your brush more than usual. However, the problem of hair loss is probably one of the most significant health and beauty problems faced by female today. Maintaining a full, healthy hair is at the top of the list of beauty items that a person can have in life.
In some cases, hair loss is part of our daily routine. There are so many factors and problems related to hair problems that we are overwhelmed with questions, walking to doctors about hair problems.
About 40% of women in the world go against hair loss. Having full hair on the scalp become a symbol of femininity and personality; so losing it can be very stressful. For this reason, this has become an essential topic of discussion in the world of beauty in recent years.
The best way to get answers to your specific hair loss questions is to arrange a consultation with one of our trusted hair loss doctors at Best Hair Transplant Clinic. Here we offer hair and scalp analysis, answer your concerns and help you choose a hair loss solution tailored to your needs and lifestyle.
Meanwhile, here are a common answer to the question from people who experience hair loss and will answer your concerns also.
What Is Female Pattern Hair Loss?
Hair loss is often considered a man’s problem, but unfortunately, many know, women are also affected by hair loss. We know that this can affect self-esteem, but we also know that women’s hair loss can be treated effectively in many cases. Several conditions can cause hair loss in women, including pregnancy and contraception. However, the most common cause of hair loss in women is female hair loss.
Although hair loss in females can begin early in life, it tends to occur at an older age than hair loss in men. Hair fall usually manifests itself in thinning the entire scalp except for the forehead. Many women who have this condition find that parts of their hair appear to widen when hair becomes thinner. Many women do not know how often this disease occurs and will choose to fight it in silence. There is no reason to do this; there are treatments that are affordable, safe and effective at Best Hair Transplant Clinic.
What is Hair Loss In Women?
Hair loss in women is just like that – when a woman experiences an unexpectedly severe hair loss. Usually, 50 to 100 individual hairs shed every day. Hair fall is part of the natural balance; some hair falls out while others grow. If the balance is disturbed if hair loss and hair growth, less hair loss occurs. The medical term for hair loss is alopecia.
Hair goes through three cycles:
- The anagen phase (growth phase) can last from two to eight years. This phase usually refers to about 85% to 90% of scalp hair.
- The catagen phase (transition phase) is the time during which hair follicles shrink and last for about two to three weeks.
- The telogen phase (resting phase) lasts about two to four months. At the end of this phase, hair loss.
How Often Does Hair Fall In Women?
Most of us think that hair loss only affects men. However, estimated that real hair loss occurs in more than 50% of women. The leading cause of female hair loss is female-pattern hair loss (FPHL), which affects most of the females in India.
Does Hair Loss Get Worse During Menopause?
Yes! Many women find that thinning hair becomes more visible after menopause. Hormones play an essential role in women’s health and hair growth. Some women notice that when they have hormone therapy, their hair falls more. Any hormonal changes can affect a woman’s hair growth. Hair fall also applies during pregnancy, when hair thickens and can fall out after birth.
What Causes Hair Loss In Female?
There are various causes of temporary and permanent hair loss. The most common hair loss in women is female pattern hair loss. However, hair loss can also cause by thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune diseases, drug side effects, nutritional deficits, stress and trauma. Scalp or hair conditions cause hair loss.
- Physical stress: Disease, surgery, anaemia or rapid changes in body weight.
- Emotional stress: Death of family members, mental illness.
- Thyroid abnormalities.
- Medication: High dose vitamin A drug, blood pressure and gout.
- Causes of hormones: Pregnancy, birth control pills, menopause.
Is It Normal To Lose Hair Every Day?
Yes! The average person’s hair falls between 50 to 100 hairs a day. If you experience significant hair loss, Best Hair Transplant Clinic trained professionals can help you determine the level of hair loss and what you can do to overcome it.
Who Can Get Affected With Hair Loss?
Although hair loss is usually seen as a problem for adult men and women, the truth is there is an effect of many medical conditions on the hair and scalp. Regardless of gender, age, or other factors, anyone who experiences hair loss deserves personal treatment stopping the treatment or reverse this condition.
When Should We Take Hair Loss More Seriously?
Most people usually have hair fall 50 to 100 hairs a day. But with around 100,000 hairs on the head at the same time, this hair loss should not cause real hair thinning. As we get older, hair gradually becomes thinner as the natural ageing process takes place.
When Do Hair Loss Problems Usually Occur?
The problem of hair loss occurs when the amount of hair in the anagen phase is less than in the telogen phase.
50 to 75% of women experience hair loss by the age of 65.
Regardless of the root cause, hair loss occurs if the initiation of a new anagen phase (growth phase) does not activate by ORS stem cells (outer root sheath).
Can Hair Loss In Female Be Prevent?
In some cases, a healthy and balanced diet can prevent hair loss associated with nutritional deficiencies. Proactive treatment for thyroid abnormalities or hormonal imbalances can also prevent some forms of hair loss. However, medical intervention is needed to slow down or stop hair loss.
What Types Of Hair Loss Treatments Are There?
There are currently a variety of medical and surgical treatments for hair loss and scalp disorders, including innovative treatment of platelet-rich plasma stem cells, and hair transplantation. The right treatment for you depends on your medical history, current status and diagnosis, and requires a thorough assessment to determine what is the case. If you are worried about your hair loss and want to stop, please contact the Best Hair Transplant Clinic today to make an appointment.
How Do We Know If Hair Loss Requires Medical Treatment?
There is a relatively simple answer to this question: is hair loss a problem for you? If there is, whether physical or emotional, it’s time to undergo treatment to find out what options are available to stop or correct your hair loss. Like many medical procedures, the sooner you get treatment, the better the results.
But don’t take your treatment until you to meet hair doctor and follow the instructions for surgical or non-surgical treatment.
How Much Time Does Requires To See The Result After Hair Loss Treatment?
At least 2-3 months, but usually much longer. Many do not see any improvement after a year. The best results are seen after two years of treatment. It is because hair follicles go through a relatively long period of dormancy period in between hair growth cycles (usually around three months).
Also, hair only grows about 2 cm per month in non-thinning areas and is generally slower in thinning areas. Because it usually takes several growth cycles and hair becomes thicker and longer each time, it might take a long time to see a noticeable improvement.
Is Hair Loss Permanent In Female?
Not always If genetic factors cause hair loss, it is permanent, and you may need to undergo professional hair treatment. If your hair loss causes due to hormonal drugs, pregnancy and all kinds of conditions, this is temporary and your hair will grow back. When we get sick, our hair is one of the first parts of the body to show signs.
How Can You Help Yourself? What To Do To Treat Hair Loss Problems?
One option is to use invalid regrowth serum regularly. Changing your hair care and general lifestyle can also help minimize the effects of visible hair loss. Take care of the rest of your hair. Most people are too rough with their hair. For example, use a comb instead of a brush and avoid hats or hats that are fit. Hair is more sensitive even when wet. So be extra careful after washing. Shampoo and other hair cosmetics are also available to make your hair look thicker and fuller.
It is also essential to include enough protein in your food, especially if you are vegan or vegetarian (sometimes, hair loss starts when people don’t eat meat). Make sure you don’t become anaemic eat lots of iron-rich foods such as liver, eggs, and green vegetables.
If you see hair fall meet the doctor at Best Hair Transplant Clinic who can take care of your hair and provides the best treatment that solves your hair fall problem.
Proven hair loss solution for women!
At the Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Hyderabad, we offer all proven surgical and non-surgical hair replacement, hair restoration, and hair loss treatments for women with hair loss. Regardless of whether you suffer from hair loss due to alopecia or medical procedures such as chemotherapy or radiation, we invite you to contact us at 040 49540202 / 8331020202 for a personal, hair loss and scalp examination. We will answer all your questions individually and help you find the perfect hair recovery solution for you.
For more information about hair loss treatment and medical advice to prevent hair loss, Best Hair Transplant Clinic is the best solution for patients. Our hair recovery doctor is available for personal assessment and discusses the standard care to prevent hair loss and baldness in women. Book Your Appointment Now!
About Cyber HairSure Clinic:
Cyber HairSure is one of the leading hair clinics at Hitec City, Hyderabad and we have the best hair transplant surgeons in Hyderabad practising at Cyber HairSure. The experts at the Cyber HairSure clinic are specialised in hair transplantation and PRP treatment etc. Our leading doctors are known to be the best hair transplant surgeons in Hyderabad.