Curly Hair Transplant vs Straight Hair Transplant

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Hair transplantation is a hair procedure that can change a person’s life. It can boost your self-esteem, boost your confidence and improve your self-image. All people genetically inherit their hair structure, for instance, curly hair, wavy hair, and straight hair. Generally, every individual has different hair colour, which is close to skin tone. 

Curly hair transplant

The curly hair transplant is a marginally complex and accurate surgical procedure compared to those performed on straight hair. While transplanting curly hair, the surgeon has to implant the hair follicle at the right angle so that the implanted hair patches with the original hair. The most challenging job for the surgeon is transplanting extremely curly hair. For such hair, the follicles also grow slightly curved below the scalp. Even the hair transplant methods such as FUE(Follicular Unit Extract) are a tricky challenge for experienced surgeons.

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Straight hair transplant

Any hair structure can be transplanted, and the straight hair transplant is less complex—with less recovery time, fewer failures, and more natural-looking hair. Collecting straight hair follicles is easy for transplant.

Curly Hair Transplant vs Straight Hair Transplant

  • The hair follicles of curly hair are also curved beneath the scalp, whereas the straight hair follicles are normal.
  • The surgeon to perform a curly hair transplant should be experienced, as the follicles should be implanted in the recipient area at an angle. In contrast, a normally experienced surgeon can do the transplant for a straight hair transplant.
  •  For curly hair FUT surgical procedure is ideal. The FUE procedure is more challenging and time-consuming. Whereas performing straight hair restoration with FUE is the better option. Harvesting the hair follicles from the donor area is easily implanted in the recipient’s area.
  • The curly hair strands spiral at the tip of the root. To keep the hair structure intact, the surgeon should handle the follicles with extreme care while extracting and implanting them. 
  • Curly hair is considered more dominant, as compared to straight hair.
  • Few hair strands are required for implantation for curly hair compared to straight hair.

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  • The surgical time taken for a curled hair transplant is more when compared to straight hair.
  • The scalp’s natural oils don’t penetrate easily through curly hair scalp. That’s the reason curly hair is much more exposed to dryness than straight hair

Though the curly hair transplant is tricky and complex compared to straight hair, the recovery time is the same for both hair transplants. Curly hair potentially yields much better with more volume than straight hair due to the nature of the hair, giving the appearance of large, full hair. Once the hair is placed in the recipient area, it will resume the same behaviour. Yes, the hair transplant treatment undoubtedly improves hair density and quality. After the hair transplant, hair starts to regrow after 3 to 4 months. At Cyber HairSure, the doctors are so experienced that they have successfully performed several curly and straight hair transplants. 

The number of grafts a patient will need depends on the condition. Between 500 and 6,000 grafts can be transplanted. A typical hair transplant involves about 4,000 grafts. However, everything depends on how the area is covered.

We, at Cyber HairSure, are committed to providing matchless services to all our patients. All your concerns regarding hair problems can be flawlessly sorted at Cyber HairSure Advanced Hair Transplant Clinic, guaranteeing that you will be left with smiles that won’t fall again. Walk into Cyber HairSure and walk back with the look that you desire. Call 040 49540202 / 8331020202 or email us at to book your consultation. Visit our website, Hair Transplant Clinic, to know more.

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Hairsure Hospitals